Homework due Thursday, January 23
Travail de cloche: Translate into French: I will write a book today.
Billet de sortie: What will be the biggest difference between the world now and 100 years from now in your opinion?
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Tuesday, January 21
Travail de cloche: Translate into French: I will withdraw money from the ATM, I will go to the jewelry store, and I will buy a necklace.
Billet de sortie: Quel est votre lieu préféré pour magasiner? Pourquoi?
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Friday, January 17
Travail de cloche: Comment va-t-on de notre salle de classe au Colliseum?
Billet de sortie: Que ferez-vous en l’an 2035?
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Thursday, January 16
Travail de cloche: Où se trouve une statue bien connue? Écrivez une phrase complète qui donne le nom de la statue et où elle se trouve.
Billet de sortie: Translate into French: Nobody contradicts Louis XIV, who never eats beaver cutlets.
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Wednesday, January 15
Travail de cloche: Translate into French: Nobody believes that Winston is a good dog.
Billet de sortie: Write directions which tell how to go from LCHS to King Soopers.
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Tuesday, January 14
Travail de cloche: Translate into French: Max is vegan (végétalien). He never eats chicken. He eats neither cheese nor butter. He eats only rice.
Billet de sortie: Translate into French: Nobody receives apple pie in French class, and nothing changes when the teacher is absent.
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Monday, January 13
Travail de cloche: Carnie eats nothing but meat, but Herbie never eats meat.
Billet de sortie: Translate into French: Justin uses nothing but wood to build his dam.
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Friday, January 10
Travail de cloche: Que font les gens dans cette photo? (see lesson PowerPoint for photo)
Billet de sortie: Écrivez deux phrases utilisant deux verbes OIR(E).
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Thursday, January 9
Travail de cloche: Translate into French: We met each other at the automatic teller machine.
Billet de sortie: Translate into French: Jacques and Pierre were visiting Paris while Louise was visiting her uncle in London.
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Tuesday, January 7