Travail de cloche: Translate into French: The cows of Hogwarts are those who give chocolate milk.
Billet de sortie: Translate into French: Justin and Celine are happy that Bob finishes his homework.
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Tuesday, March 4
Travail de cloche: Translate into French: The cows of Hogwarts are those who give chocolate milk.
Billet de sortie: Translate into French: Justin and Celine are happy that Bob finishes his homework.
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Tuesday, March 4
Travail de cloche: Où aimez-vous aller pour bronzer?
Billet de sortie: Translate into French: Louise gave the pineapple to Justin. Sunday she gave it to him.
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Tuesday, March 4
Travail de cloche: Quelle est la profession de Pierre Arronax?
billet de sortie: Pensez-vous que le monstre chassé par l’Abraham-Lincoln est, en réalité, Puff, le dragon magique? Expliquez vos pensés.
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Tuesday, March 4