Travail de cloche: Qu’achetez-vous quand vous allez à votre magasin préféré?
Billet de sortie: Qu’est-ce que vous aimez faire pendant juillet?
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Wednesday, January 22
Travail de cloche: Qu’achetez-vous quand vous allez à votre magasin préféré?
Billet de sortie: Qu’est-ce que vous aimez faire pendant juillet?
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Wednesday, January 22
Travail de cloche: Write in French words: 800, 888, 8.444, 8.444.157. Complete sentences are not required.
Billet de sortie: Qu’est-ce que vous aimez faire pendant juillet?
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Friday, January 17
Travail de cloche: Write two sentences, one using the verb célébrer and the other using envoyer.
Billet de sortie: Translate into French: Every Wednesday my mother takes Jacques to school in the morning and brings him here (ici) in the afternoon.
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Thursday, January 16
Travail de cloche: Write, in French words, the year in which the United States declared its independence. A complete sentence is not necessary.
Billet de sortie: Translate into French: You and your mother celebrate your birthday with a big party, but Tom and Bob prefer a quiet day, so (donc) they take their dogs to the park.
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Wednesday, January 15
Travail decloche: Repondez par une phrase complète. Nous finissons l’année scolaire en quel mois?
Billet de sortie: Translate into French using only words: The population of Kinshasa is 9.464.172.
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Tuesday, January 14
Travail de cloche: Translate into French using expressions which use the verb faire: Bertrand and I jog at the park close to the mountains where you and your mother ski.
Billet de sortie: Repondez avec une phrase complète: Quel est le mois de votre anniversaire?
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Monday, January 13
Travail de cloche: Respond to the question below with a complete sentence in French which is a negative reply. Aimez-vous faire de l’aérobic?
Billet de sortie: Write a sentence of at least five words which uses the verb “sentir” and which talks about eating lunch in the Great Hall.
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Friday, January 10
Travail de cloche: Translate into French: We play cards every Wednesday but we never play chess.
Billet de sortie: Écrivez une phrase complète en français qui dit combien fois par semaine vous écoutez de la musique.
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Wednesday, January 8