Travail de cloche: À votre avis, que fait Danglars après la fin du roman?
Billet de sortie: Quelle est la meilleure idée que vous avez trouvé dans Le Comte de Monte Cristo?
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Thursday, February 27
Travail de cloche: Write a sentence which uses an indirect object pronoun.
billet de sortie: What is the age of the oldest person you know?
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Thursday, February 27
Travail de cloche: Translate into French: As soon as they see the signal (le signe), they will scream « surprise ».
Billet de sortie: Write a sentence which uses qui as a relative pronoun.
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Thursday, February 27
Travail de cloche: Qui attend Valentine et Maximiilien pour les bénir?
Billet de sortie: Edmond dit que toute la sagesse du monde sera dans les mots attendre et espérer. Êtes-vous d’accord? Pourquoi?
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Wednesday, February 26
Write a sentence about what M. Gerson is wearing today.
Write a sentence which tells the color of two non-clothing items in the classroom.
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Wednesday, February 26
Travail de cloche: Write a sentence in French using the relative pronoun « où » having the meaning of when.
Billet de sortie: Write a sentence in French using the relative pronoun « où » having the meaning of where.
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Wednesday, February 26
Travail de cloche: Quelle est la profession du vieux MacDonald ?
Billet de sortie: Write a sentence begins De laquelle agricultrice…
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Tuesday, February 25
Travail de cloche: Qui est la pire personne dans le roman Le Comte de Monte Cristo?
Billet de sortie: Comment Monte Cristo a sauvé la vie de Valentine?
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Tuesday, February 25
Travail de cloche: Translate into French: I promised that I am going to put purple socks on the table when I visit my aunt.
Billet de sortie: Write a sentence which tells about the current school week.
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Tuesday, February 25