Homework due Monday, March 10
Travail de cloche: Translate into French: I am happy to be here today. I am happy that you are here today.
Billet de sortie: Translate into French: We are happy that they ate dinner at Panda Express.
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Friday, March 7
Travail de cloche: Write a sentence which uses an emotion and the subjunctive to tell about something you have studied in a class other than French.
Billet de sortie: Translate into French: Anne and Marie were happy that we ate dinner before six o’clock.
Lesson PowerPoint
Fr 2Homework due Thursday, March 6
Travail de cloche: Translate into French: The cows of Hogwarts are those who give chocolate milk.
Billet de sortie: Translate into French: Justin and Celine are happy that Bob finishes his homework.
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Tuesday, March 4
Travail de cloche: Translate into French: I am so happy that today we begin a new unit in French class.
Billet de sortie: Completez la phrase en utilisant un pronom démonstratif: Les castors qui construient les meilleurs barrages…
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Monday, March 3
Travail de cloche: Translate into French: As soon as they see the signal (le signe), they will scream « surprise ».
Billet de sortie: Write a sentence which uses qui as a relative pronoun.
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Thursday, February 27
Travail de cloche: Write a sentence in French using the relative pronoun « où » having the meaning of when.
Billet de sortie: Write a sentence in French using the relative pronoun « où » having the meaning of where.
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Wednesday, February 26
Travail de cloche: Quelle est la profession du vieux MacDonald ?
Billet de sortie: Write a sentence begins De laquelle agricultrice…
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Tuesday, February 25
Travail de cloche: Aujourd’hui, nous sommes lundi. Écrivez une phrase avec le mot “lundi” qui utilise aussi le mot “lequel”.
Billet de sortie: Écrivez une phrase qui utilise “dès que” qui décrit un habitude de votre classe de français.
Lesson PowerPoint
Homework due Friday, February 21