French 1: Tuesday, February 18

Travail de cloche:  Translate into French: Yesterday, Justin spoke to Celine who bought a hippopotamus at the store to the left of the school.

Billet de sortie:  Write a sentence in French which tells about someone giving somethihg to somebody else.  In the French sentence you just wrote: indicate the subject, verb, direct object, and indirect object.  Rewrite the sentence replacing the indirect object with the appropriate indirect object pronoun.

Lesson PowerPoint

Homework due Tuesday, February 18

Homework due Wednesday, February 12

Travail de cloche:  Translate into French: Be prudent. Have fortitude*. Know gratitude**.

Billet de sortie:  Use the imperative to speak to someone who is not a student or teacher at LCHS. Introduce your imperative sentence by explaining to whom you are speaking. Follow the imperative sentence by explaining why you are making this imperative statement.

Lesson PowerPoint

Homework due Wednesday, February 12